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We gather top professionals in the field in one place
Daniel Michaels
Pro Surfer
Michael Newman
Paul Nicholas
Nik Morgan
Hamilton Adams
Pro Surfer
Our teachers
We gather top professionals in the field in one place
Daniel Michaels
Pro Surfer
Michael Newman
Paul Nicholas
Nik Morgan
Hamilton Adams
Pro Surfer

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​​Tech Meetup 2020 - Learn and Share

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What are people saying PJ, is this easy to use?

Here you can see the quote out some of my premium content like for example number one then number two and of course last but not least number three.
Daniel Michaels, On twitter
Daniel Michaels
On twitter
In the tumultuous business of cutting-in and attending to a whale, there is much running backwards and forwards among the crew. Now hands are wanted here, and then again.
Peter Martin, On twitter
Peter Martin
On twitter

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Tech Meetups are the place to be if you want to connect and excel in your line of work. I’ve never seen a more intimate and communal learning and networking opportunity before!

Daniel Michaels,
Daniel Michaels


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